Company details
CEO/Director’s Name
Tan Yee Lee
Managing Director
Company Address
Lot 1823 & 1828G,
Jalan KPB 3,
Off Jalan Balakong,
Bukit Belimbing,
43300 Seri Kembangan,
Lot 1823 & 1828G, Jalan KPB 3, Off Jalan Balakong, Bukit Belimbing,
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
Ching Shing Trading Sdn. Bhd. has a very rich background history. The company has been operating since 1965 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Currently, it is in its 57th year. Ching Shing Trading is a wholesaler for mainly construction building materials, chemical products and waterproofing products and produces its own waterproofing products under the brand ProZ.
Ching Shing Trading imports construction building materials directly from overseas factories and purchase local brand products to sell. Imported building materials are registered under the house brand, Lion. Ching Shing Trading also carries a few local construction materials brands like JO Glove, Vinyl, Jaguar and Buaya.
Ching Shing Trading imports construction building materials directly from overseas factories and purchase local brand products to sell. Imported building materials are registered under the house brand, Lion. Ching Shing Trading also carries a few local construction materials brands like JO Glove, Vinyl, Jaguar and Buaya.
Ching Shing Trading collaborates with local factories to produce its OEM brand chemical products, namely Butterfly brand for thinner and turpentine and Super Life brand Oxide paints, which it has been selling for over 56 years. Ching Shing Trading also supply big brands for chemical products, like ASG, USG.
For waterproofing products, Ching Shing Trading represents big brands, like Sika from Europe, Pentens from Taiwan and Yuhong from China. Ching Shing has been awarded one of the top sales in Malaysia, Million Dollar Sales awards, for all 3 waterproofing brands in the last few years.
For waterproofing products, Ching Shing Trading represents big brands, like Sika from Europe, Pentens from Taiwan and Yuhong from China. Ching Shing has been awarded one of the top sales in Malaysia, Million Dollar Sales awards, for all 3 waterproofing brands in the last few years.
In 2021, Ching Shing launched its own waterproofing brand, ProZ. Using the same strategy, the company uses quality raw materials only to produce its ProZ waterproofing products. It targets to sell the products locally but will explore exporting to other Asian countries and are looking for business partners. The company has also upgraded its company website, and started the Ching Shing online shop with Shopee, chingchingtrading7, two years ago. The company also has its Facebook page, Ching Shing Hardware, Instagram page, chingshing_hardware and tik tok account.
Ching Shing Trading has gone into digital marketing for its products and advertise monthly on social media. It does Ching Shing "LIVE" on Facebook to interact with customers directly, create company and products branding awareness, educate the public and share information the products.
Ching Shing Trading has gone into digital marketing for its products and advertise monthly on social media. It does Ching Shing "LIVE" on Facebook to interact with customers directly, create company and products branding awareness, educate the public and share information the products.
Going strong towards 60th year
Ching Shing Trading set up its first branch in Johor Baharu five years ago to serve customers better by providing prompt delivery. For the next 5 to 10 years, the company plans to expand sales of its Malaysian owned, ProZ waterproofing products throughout Malaysia and target to export it to Asia.
Ching Shing Trading will keep on going strong as it approaches its 60th year and beyond, consistent with the company slogan “KEEP FIGHTING! Going strong towards our 60th year and many more.” Winning the Golden Bull Award 2022 reflects the company’s good track record as the oldest construction hardware wholesaler in the country. The company is financially healthy after 57 years of building, innovating and serving hardware retailers and industries. It has survived time global recessions and the COVID-19 pandemic. Ching Shing Trading will continue to innovate and adapt to changing business environment to excel further.
Ching Shing Trading will keep on going strong as it approaches its 60th year and beyond, consistent with the company slogan “KEEP FIGHTING! Going strong towards our 60th year and many more.” Winning the Golden Bull Award 2022 reflects the company’s good track record as the oldest construction hardware wholesaler in the country. The company is financially healthy after 57 years of building, innovating and serving hardware retailers and industries. It has survived time global recessions and the COVID-19 pandemic. Ching Shing Trading will continue to innovate and adapt to changing business environment to excel further.